Fresh asparagus, tomato. arugula and lettuce in wooden box  on dark background

DETOX spring at the table: anti-aging

As promised, we will guide you to the discovery of the third Detox Day, dedicated to anti-aging foods.

Every day, every human cell produces free radicals, the result of the oxidative process.

Although this is a natural phenomenon, often, due to the concomitance of many harmful factors, the amounts of free radicals can be high and facilitate cellular aging.

Unhealthy behavior and habits at the table can interfere with these processes. A diet rich in fat, refined sugars, additives and calories is the enemy of well-being and keeping young.

To face this problem we need various allies such as: omega 3 fatty acids, vitamins A, D, E, K, C, flavonoids, polyphenols, potassium, magnesium, selenium, zinc.

So, never let food such as fruit, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, fish and white meat sources of youth be missing at our table!



On awaking: ½ glass of warm water with the juice of half a lemon.

Breakfast: 1 cup of semi-skimmed milk or milk of vegetable origin with no added sugar + 2 wholegrain rusks or rice crackers with one teaspoon of honey each.

Snack: 2 pineapple slices + 1 cup of green tea.

Lunch: vegetable soup (1 courgette, 1 carrot, 1 leek, 1 tomato, 1 piece of carrot in 1.5 lt water) + 150 gr of grilled chicken breast or seitan + asparagus, fennel, steamed artichokes seasoned with 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil.

Snack: 2 slices of pineapple + green tea.

Dinner: vegetable soup (lunch) + lemon or tofu bresaola on a bed of Julienne carrots.



Lemon: purifies the body, promotes digestion, antibacterial, strengthens the immune system,… ● Asparagus: they fight water retention and have an excellent diuretic action. Asparagus essential oils have an important anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic action. They are good for the mood!

Fennels: allies in weight loss, have anti-stress properties, fights irritable bowel syndrome.

Artichokes: reduce bad cholesterol in the blood, help digestion, protect the liver,…

Carrot: rich in vitamin A, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and fibre. It has a repairing and antioxidant action of tissues

Leek: a natural antioxidant, rich in minerals and vitamins, it has significant health benefits, especially when consumed raw. Natural moisturizer, leek is an excellent ally against bad cholesterol that clogs veins and arteries

Tomatoes: reduce the formation of cellulite, fight aging, protect the eyesight, strengthen the bones, combat muscle cramps,…

Zucchini: the high content of antioxidant substances helps to counteract the action of free radicals, helping us to prevent aging.

Honey: antibacterial, antioxidant

Green tea: with incredible slimming, draining, purifying, anti-oxidant properties… it is one of the elixirs of health and youth par excellence.


WARNING! As usual we advise you to use as much as possible food of certified local origin, produced by farmers who grow and breed in full respect of Nature and animals.


Take care of yourself … see you soon!


Dr.ssa Tea Ancona

Dietician, nutritionist.
