Have you ever dreamed about your next destination or thought about waking up excited in a city yet to be discovered? Well, at that moment you’re already traveling, you do it even before you leave, you do it with your mind.
Travelling is embracing the unknown, discovering a new place through the scents, tastes and faces of its people. For me traveling is also exploring myself, that heart but above all that nomadic and errant mind that would travel non-stop … maybe with a backpack on its shoulders!
But are you sure you need a plane ticket to travel? Of course not! And the best way to do it when you can’t, is definitely to read.
“Reading gives us someplace to go when we have to stay where we are.” -Mason Cooley-
There are books that take us by the hand and accompany us miles away from home and you really feel those scents and flavors hidden between the lines.
Reading “On the road” by Kerouac, I dreamt, lying on my bed, an on the road in California. One of the most significant phrases: “We had longer ways to go. But no matter, the road is life.”
And then I was there with my thoughts. I woke up in one of the historic motels, the ones with the giant, super bright sign outside and the tiny reception inside. Backpack in the car and go, I was driving along those long straight roads of Route 66 with one certainty: the music and the asphalt that was flowing under the wheels.
Then I arrived on the other side of the world, until the sunsets of Bali, reading all in one breath “Eat, pray, love” by E. Gilbert. The story of a woman in search of happiness and herself, but also of the pleasures of life, like good food. From the typical cuisine in Italy to meditation in India, up to Indonesia where the journey ends.
I had fun imagining myself there. I tried to surf the waves in the ocean and climb one of the many volcanoes still active. I drank mango juice on the immense beaches and walked through the streets of a chaotic and busy Ubud.
I discovered those places at the end, but I felt like I knew them already, actually, I am sure of it… the journey had started a long time before, it had started in my fantasy.
In these first days of spring, what nourishes my mind and boost my soul with positive energy is to lose myself between the lines of these books:
– “A Fortune-Teller told me” by Tiziano Terzani. After a decade from the prophecy of a Chinese fortune-teller, who warned him not to travel by plane, the author leaves for twelve months travelling exclusively by land. A chance to discover the real Asia!
–“In a sunburned country”, by Bill Bryson. The author takes us to the continent of kangaroos, Australia! By train he crosses the desert interior, describing the mysterious Aboriginal culture, its welcoming people and its variety of animals. The coral reef, poisonous snakes and some old hippies are the frame of this amazing story.
– “Into the wild” by J.Krakauer. Chris, a young nonconformist who loves solitude, risk and freedom. It is the story of his last four months of life, spent between an uncontaminated forest and an abandoned bus. Notes from a diary that bring to light his daily life in an icy land, Alaska.
…May these moments be your refuge, your happy thoughts… a world that knows no boundaries!
Consuelo Crapanzano
Green Guide & Experience Designer